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Saturday 17 September 2011

Recharge Your Career (Career)

Recharge Your Career

1. Set goals

On a routine basis, you need to sit back and take stock of your career to make sure you are on the right track and have not been veered off-course. If you do not have a career roadmap, now may be the time to start thinking about your career aspirations and ambitions and formulate a game plan. Do you know where you want to be at the end of the year, in 5 years and in 10 years? It is far easier to pursue and measure your personal success if you have a vision of that success and a clearly defined path for getting there. As you plan your career development, take the time to get to know yourself and assess your skills, strengths, weaknesses and preferences. Ask yourself whether you like what you do and what it is you like and dislike about your job and career. Sometimes, a complete career change may be in order if your likes, dislikes, competencies and aspirations push you in a different direction. In any event, clearly defining your career goals and setting milestones for your success will help you in achieving minor successes along the way.


2. Work on your Communications Skills

Learn to give and listen to feedback better. Give positive feedback and express appreciation for a job well done whenever it is warranted and you can do so sincerely; people will remember you for it. Learn to listen to feedback from others with an open mind and incorporate constructive criticism into your work habits. You can learn a lot from what others have to say about your work and by asking how others think the job should be done. Learn not to take negative criticism defensively and if you believe the criticism is unfair, unconstructive or undeserved, state your position calmly and professionally without turning the situation into a personal confrontation. Good communication skills include listening to directions as well as feedback and asking the right questions at the right time rather than trying to second-guess your boss and peers.


3. Improve your Relationships with Others

Work on improving your people skills and aim to build strong relationships within your firm and within your industry. Become a 'person to be known' in your field. Interpersonal skills are often what make the difference between those that get promoted and those that never get ahead. Take a good honest look at your professional relationships and ask yourself what areas need work. It may be that you are too confrontational or too meek or too defensive. Make a conscious effort to acquire conflict-resolution, assertiveness and negotiation skills and to always respect the dignity and integrity of your peers and target a 'win-win' solution to peer conflicts. Be proactive in extending a hand to others in your firm and your industry and avoid acquiring a reputation as the one who only approaches others in moments of need, even if you are quite shy in nature. In the long run, your relationships are as important as your skills so nurture your contacts, cultivate them and extend a helping hand and a listening ear whenever you can.


4. Learn a New Skill or Develop an Old One

You should constantly be on the lookout for opportunities to reeducate yourself, sharpen your skill set and broaden your knowledge base. At the very least, you should aim to stay on top of industry trends and be well-versed with the latest in industry journals and publications. Stay abreast of the conferences and seminars in your field and aim to attend the ones that will keep you at the cutting edge of your industry. You might also want to consider picking up a new skill or learning a trade you have always wanted to learn. Cross-training is becoming increasingly popular as different industries intermarry and technology becomes an indispensable part of our lives.


5. Go the Extra Mile in Your Job

That extra hurdle past the finishing line is the stuff that makes a reputation. Do you take the time to look back at your work and make sure it is of the highest quality and cannot possibly be improved on further? Do you always aim to exceed your boss's expectations and stretch your own limits? There are people who are happy to meet goals and others who look back at their work with great pride and accomplishment knowing they have set new standards and have given their company far more than would have been simply 'satisfactory'. Take ownership of your work and always ask how you can deliver the best possible product or service and help others on your team do the same. Be aware of what the competition is up to and aim to present something superior.


6. Help your Manager Do His Job Better

How you approach your manager is often a large predictor of your success. Approach him/her as an adversary or as a ceiling and you are creating for yourself an unnecessary encumbrance. Approach him/her as an ally and role model and work to nurture a collaborative partnership and you are well on your way to making great music as a team. Remember, your boss is a valuable resource and you should treat him as such. Ask yourself what type of person you would like reporting to you and what you would expect from this person, then aim to deliver the same to your boss. Always put yourself in your boss's shoes and try to make his life easier by anticipating his needs and having the solution ready. Work hard to help your boss soar and he will take you with him.


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